Gentle Grace Foundation
The Gentle Grace Foundation is based in the US and provides support for families and individuals in the US and the African Diaspora with Special needs and educational opportunities. Under the Gentle Grace Foundation umbrella, we have four programs that meet several demographic needs.​
The Gentle Grace Foundation is currently under a campaign to raise funding and support to build a multipurpose community center in Ghana. This location will provide after-school support for the children in the village, provide job training, event space and so much more.
The Preciousabyy Fund provides funding and self-care for women and widows raising children alone. This is as simple as buying body care, food, and clothing. Project fund to assist Women and their children. It includes education, self-care, and emergency assistance.
Gentle Grace for Mental Health and Special needs provides resources and psychoeducation training for families who have loved ones with special needs or mental illness.
Gentle Grace Foundation prepares youth for future digital jobs through technology education and skills development. We achieve this through boot camps, workshops, mentorship and coaching, internships, digital skills training, and job placement.

We believe that creating an equal platform for everyone, irrespective of race, gender, social class, and physical limitations will allow for a fair chance to compete for the same opportunity. This has been at the core of our initiatives.
We believe that giving everyone an equal platform, regardless of ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic class, or physical ability, will give them a fair shot to thrive. This drives our efforts.
We believe that giving everyone an equal platform, regardless of ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic class, or physical ability, will give them a fair shot to thrive. This drives our efforts.





Partner With Us

Participate in the creation of hundreds of new local jobs, where people get their income which they can support themselves and their families.
Feel comfortable that your donation will have the maximum effect on children’s education. All our operations are pursued by ourselves with minimum administration, yet full control and supervision.
There are many different ways to collaborate. We always strive to find a way that is beneficial for both parties and above all beneficial for the children in Ghana.
Contribute to thousands of children who have never seen a computer before now get daily access to all the information and communication in the world. They will get the chance to increase their knowledge, develop their skills, and grow as individuals!
Make sure that more Youths complete Senior High School education and get better opportunities to shape their own lives.